Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sick Babies are SOOO much FUN!!!

Opening Disclaimer: my poor little guy has been sick, and my #1 concern is for his well being, but having said that, I have to vent. I have recently discovered a very complex mathematical formula that has probably already been revealed to every other mother on the planet. The formula is this: When babies are sick, the amount of sleep mom will get is inversely proportional to the amount of laundry she will have to do that week. For example, on a normal, non-sick baby day... I might get 7 or 8 hours of sleep and have to do 1 load of laundry (or none at all). On a sick baby day, like yesterday, for instance, I would probably get closer to 3-4 hours of sleep and have to wash at least 3 loads of laundry.
Bryson and I had both been sick last week, and on sunday as we were both nearing the end of our colds, I was so proud that we had managed to keep Davis healthy. I should have known better. Davis got sick that night. To sum up his path of destruction through the house, I have had to change and wash the sheets at least once a day due to either throw up or a huge poopie blow out, Davis has gone through an average of 3 outfits a day (with a high of 5 yesterday) for the above mentioned reasons, I have had to change clothes an average of 2 extra times a day when his vomit or blow out was aimed in my direction, we both have averaged 2 baths a day since monday, and of course the sleep has been sucked away to be replaced by a sad, whimpering baby in the middle of the night. Poor little guy. The funny thing is, when he's awake, even when he is throwing up all over his mom, he is perfectly happy and cheerful all day. Don't worry though, he seems to get extra fussy in his sleep to make up for his good moods while awake.
I have learned to never underestimate how much damage a sick little baby can do with a little milk in his tummy. Hopefully he'll be on the mend soon. Sorry for all of the gross details, but I just couldn't resist the opportunity to vent for a minute!


Jyl & Andy said...

I hope he feels better soon. Poor little guy.

the gregory's said...

Poor thing, I don't know who I feel worse for. You or Davis. By the way I went to a relief society luncheon at your dad and stepmoms house. What a beautiful home, and I met your step mom and your little sister who looks alot like you. She's a cutie!!

Miller Family said...

I keep my fingers crossed that the worst is behind ya. I feel for ya, that really sucks.

The Leavitt Family said...

Hope he feels better soon. I have been trying to keep Jaxon healthy so that when this baby comes they both don't get sick...keep your fingers crossed.

Trish said...

That math equation makes senses to me. However... I was never too good at math. Hope he feels better. It has been going around.