Monday, April 28, 2008

Fablehaven 3 Launch Party

My brother in law's new book came out last week. It is the third one in the Fablehaven series, and this one is called Grip of the Shadow Plague. It is my favorite one so far, and I highly recommend the whole series to any of you who haven't read it. If you like books along the lines of Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, etc, you will love his books! Anyway, they had a launch party for the new book on friday night, and it was a lot of fun. There were over 3,000 people there, including Sheri Dew and one of President Hinckley's daughters. Bryson got to perform with his old Divine Comedy group, and some of his family dressed up as characters from the books. They were there until about 11 or 12 at night, taking pictures with kids and signing autographs while people waited in line to get Brandon's autograph. I forgot to take pictures of the stage, which was awesome, but I still got some fun pictures from the night. I thought some of you might enjoy seeing a few shots.

1 comment:

njohnson said...

HEY! I checked your blog today and laughed because I need to call you about Brandon's third book. I was just finally finishing the second when my roommate brought over some kids she was babysitting. The oldest girl, Clare, saw me reading it and said she is reading them! She is almost done with the second one. Anyway, Clare said "He (meaning Brandon) is gonna come here (meaning phoenix area I gues) and I might get to go see him!" I think that's awesome! Anyway, so I don't know if Brandon is making his way down here or not but tell him I know a "little" fan!
Anyway, Davis is WAY cute in that cut out hahah. How are you? How's life... I gotta call you!