Subject: Failure
You are a FAILURE at blogging. It is really very rude.
After going another week without an update, I got this sweet little note:
Subject: Still a Failure
Yeah, that’s right! You are still a blogging failure. Not to mention a very rude person for refusing to share Davis and Lila’s cuteness with us.
So, after those loving words of encouragement, I finally decided to update my blog. (I'm sure I'm the only person that thinks I'm funny here... love you Crystal!)
So, without further ado, here is the first of many installments of my blog updates... Halloween 2010 - long overdo
This was almost the worst Halloween ever, but in the end it turned out to be pretty fun. I was in a post baby slump or something and never got around to decorating, so I wasn't feeling it as much as usual. Then I volunteered to bring candy for our ward trunk or treat and soup for our chili/soup cook off. Well, I spent 4 hours making soup, then went upstairs to get ready while Davis took a nap... came downstairs to find that I left the soup on too high and burned/completely ruined it. Then after letting Davis nap, by the time we got to the ward Trunk or Treat, it was over, and so were all the other kids activities. Next, we got to wait in a ridiculously long line for chili, and I picked the worst one there, so I ate a roll for dinner. I was off to a really great start. Oh, I almost forgot that it was pouring rain when we got there, so we all got soaked getting into the building and had no hope for real trick or treating. But, after the ward party, we went to Bryson's parents house, the rain stopped, and we were able to trick or treat and hang out with family. Davis had a blast, of course, and Halloween was saved. :-)
Davis wanted to match daddy and be Batman... already had the costumes, so that was easy!
The sad little green pumpkin is from our garden
attempts at a family pic and Davis playing with his cousin/best friend Chase
I never get any good trick or treating shots because it's too dark
my pretty kitty... I'll pretend I planned this, and she's a pink catwoman-baby
yummy halloween cake
The world thanks me. I will stop considering you a blogging failure if you post again within the next 7 days.
i was just about to send you the same emails!... miss you!! :)
Your sister is very wise. Keep it up! I don't want to see Christmas pics in July :)
I love it! Good thing for those sisters!! :)
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