I'm pretty sure the kids are supposed to slide down this, but Davis thinks it's more fun to jump.
working on his balance. He can do hops and kicks all the way down the beam now without any help.
The class always begins with warm ups and a bunch of stretching. I think Davis looks so cute for this part.
Backwards sommersault
Showing some muscle and some skill on the bars
Hand-stand on the wall
Doing his back walk overs with a little help from the mats and the coach. Nice form!
Davis' favorite part of the gym is the big pit. He loves jumping in and swinging around on the rope then dropping in. He is our little dare devil.
Having so much fun on the trampoline. I love the one where he is doing his "stick it".
Showing off some tricks on the bars. Getting those feet up, holding a straddle, and doing a flip.