Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Update #2- April

So the obvious big event for April was Easter. We had been having some nice spring weather until Easter rolled around, and then it snowed. So we had our easter egg hunt inside this year. Davis was still really excited to find all of his eggs and see what the easter bunny brought him. He looked adorable in his new Easter outfit that aunt Summy bought him. He dyed about a million eggs and made a gigantic mess, but he had fun doing it.

The other big event for the month was Pam's 60th birthday party. We had it at the stake center, catered food, decorated with pretty spring colors, put on a talent show, made a slideshow of her life, etc, etc. She loved it. All of her kids grew up on stage, mostly because she constantly made them get up there, but now they are all a bunch of hams and love performing. And of course she ate it all up. Even the grandkids got in on the fun. Apparently Davis takes after his dad because he loved being on stage with the microphone in his mouth... we had a hard time getting him off when he was done.

Other than that, we spent the month outside on the days that the weather was cooperating and inside on the days it wasn't. We spent an evening at the tulip festival, which was beautiful, as always. Davis spent quite a few days at the animal farm. He loves riding the horses, feeding the goats, and throwing rocks in the water. He also loves going with his buddies... we didn't get pictures of all of his outings (sometimes because I had too many kids and not enough hands to take pictures), but we did our best. Davis was thrilled when Aunt Mary went out of town and he got to spend a few days in a row with his cousins 24/7 (no pictures from that adventure).

As usual, I am very indecisive and put up way too many pictures, but you don't have to look if you don't want to! I threw in some belly shots for Grandma Lucky... there will be more coming in May.

1 comment:

Tami Tennant said...

You are gorgeous pregnant! And stylish. I love your clothes. You're gorgeous anyway, but you're the cute pregnant that I tell you about all the time.