Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Grandma Mull

Now that I'm all caught up on the last few months, I wanted to post a little something for Bryson's Grandma. His Dad's mother, Gladys Ionne Mull, passed away just after Thanksgiving. It was a bit shocking, and obviously very sad. She was so vibrant and fun that the thought of her being gone was a little hard to grasp at first. She was such a caring, accepting, and loving woman. She had this amazing fashion sense, and I frequently saw her wearing things (in her 80's) that I would wear (in my 20's). She was always go, go, going... right up to the end... she was actually on vacation back East when she passed away. She had a fantastic deep voice and contagious laugh and was just so much fun to be around. She could hang out and play games with the grandkids like she was one of us. She was an amazing nurturer and care taker, spending most of her life serving and caring for those around her. I admire her for so many things, and I loved her as my own grandmother. I miss her already, but I am so happy that she is now reunited with her husband and other family members that passed on before her. We love you Grandma!


Miller Family said...

Lovely post. She is a really pretty lady.

Kourtney said...

She does look amazing! How sweet, I love her wedding picture how beautiful and classic.