Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Halloween from the Slacker family!

I know, I know... I'm behind on my posts as always. It's halfway to Thanksgiving, and I'm just getting my Halloween pictures up. In my defense, I've been waiting to get the pictures from my sister in law and uncle, who got better pictures of Davis than I did... but I finally gave up. (I will add those later if I get them.) We had a very fun Halloween this year. Nothing too crazy or out of the ordinary, but Davis is getting old enough to really get into it. He helped me make some sugar cookies earlier in the week, and we did a lot of Halloween crafts and coloring projects leading up to the big day. Of course he loved carving pumpkins, and made it very difficult for mom and dad to make pretty designs with all of his "help." We talked about trick or treating all week so that he would know what to do when the day came, and he caught on very fast. Once he figured out that all he had to do was walk up to the door and say "trick or treat," and someone would give him candy, he was sold! He literally ran from house to house as fast as his little feet would carry him. Sometimes he got a litte sneaky and reached in for a handful or two of candy as someone was dropping a piece in his bag, but overall, he did really well.
After the Halloween festivities, we ended the night by going over to Bryson's aunt Kim's house to see all of her new baby kittens. I'm not a huge cat fan, but I have to admit that kittens are pretty darn cute.


tarin said...

Very fun pictures. Davis is super cute in his costume, and you and Bryson look awesome!

Kourtney said...

How cute I love the costumes. You are very talented, the cookies and the pumpkins are amazing.

minimeg said...

look at my blog i added more things!

Brandon and Jenn said...

So adorable! I love that you guys all dress up. We're kind of party poopers. I usually just dress up the small and defenseless around here (Scout and Ruby). We're coming up to Utah in a few weeks. Do you and Bryson want to get together for dinner or ice cream or something along those lines?